Professional e-commerce photography is the foundation of your brands online identity. When executed properly, this can be a make or break for a high percentage of your overall sales. Fashion sellers know how important it is to have images of their collection items that capture the attention of their customers. They get even more excited when their images pull in new customers, and lower returns. The budget set aside by fashion retailers to create images and videos of their apparel merchandise, is a constant balancing act that is handled multiple times a year. Some will have multiple collections in years time, and some may add some smaller collection releases around the holiday season. In todays fashion e-commerce market, we see how many of the bigger name brands now have more than just 4 collections per year. To maintain this work flow process, upload new images to your product page listings, showcase new collections, etc, it requires a solid working relationship with your content creation team. Analytics show that when you have good continuity, consistinecy, and uniformaity with the imagery on your product pages, you will see better results in sales and engagement on your website.
Men’s wear brands come to VSP looking for us to photograph their new fashion collections. After the art direction decisions and styling elements are agreed upon, the next step is the selection of the models. Casting for the proper model is something that we help our clients with, as it’s a very important part of the overall success of the photoshoot campaign. As owner of VSP Studios I have been a part of many of these working relations and have always done my part to deliver at a high level for my clients, and help them find the best talent to hire.
Marketing menswear items to customers online requires the right team to create your content. Lifestyle branding images complimented by well executed product page images is a big key to success. Customers make their buying decisions based off of these images, so as a retailer or designer brand, you must have an eye for the details when it comes to your online presentation. With social media being such a prevalent part of the equation, it’s important to have content that tells the story of your brand. Make sure to showcase your apparel collections in accurate color, and emphasizes the fit, comfort and style of your items. Choosing the right model and photographer for your brand is extremely important if you want to rise to the top of the competition in the e-commerce photography world. Finding a model for your brand doesn’t need to be as complicated as it may appear. Models help build your brand identity and help amplify your sales to the specific market you are selling to. Ensuring you find the right e-commerce model for your photographs, it’s always a good call to review all the model options and select who best represents your brand and offers you the ideal fit, personality. All of this come across in your bonds imagery. Find a model with experience who knows how to move, and always take a look to see how well they have performed for other fashion brands.
You also want to take into consideration when choosing the right model for your collection, is where they will be posted. For example, if you are planning on selling on Amazon’s web platform, your photos will be shuffled amongst other brand with the same key wording. Ensuring that your images and products stand out, you want to make sure that the model and photos offer the best represnation of that item, and catch the attention of the potential customers. When they see images of a shirt or pair of jeans that they like, it’s the images that help to make that final buying decision. That and of course the price.
When looking at a websites directed at male fashion sales, most of these websites include ghost mannequin photography or flat lays., which show off the items in terms of its truest silhouete, and then are complimented by on-model images. Hero banners help to sell the mood or story of the brand, and the product page listing images are there to be part of the final sale. Get this part wrong, and you are losing sales with poor quality images.
The model should compliment your collection it’s, and portray a good fit, and good felling vibe. They must sell the story of your brand and influence the viewer into the buy now phase of the transaction. People want to see how clothing would appear on the model. Choosing a professional model to showcase your clothing allows the consumer to have a better understanding of how your clothing fits. It allows the customer to make their own judgement call on how the garment would fit on them by comparing themselves with the model on your website.
The VSP team knows how important it is to help our clients choose the right model to represent their brand. Because of this, we always consult our customers on the best options that fit their needs and budget, We have worked with all of the top modeling agencies in Miami, and have solid working relations with many of the top ranking models in the game. To elevate the results of your professional e-commerce photography, it always starts with good model selection. When you bring the right styling elements, a professional model, and the right e-commerce fashion photographer together, you get the best results. Building a team that understands the market and knows their roll in the photo shooting process, will increase your chances of creating successful images that sell your merchandise.
A big part of the content creation process is what we would call the “post production” part. After the photoshoot is completed, all the images are loaded to editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Capture One. This is where the color tone is applied, and selections are made as to which images are the best and what are to be rejected. Hundreds, or often times thousands of images are take in a given day, and all of these images are dialed in, and narrowed down to the best best of the best. Coming up with the final “look and vibe” of the images is all up to what the photographer and the art director decide. The goal is give the client what they want, and to create images that will sell. Getting this right means you are winning.
Ghost mannequin photography is one of our top selling services. Menswear retailers rely on these images to display their collection items as a stand alone three-dimensional images. Pairing these images on your product page listings along side the on-model images is the ideal way to showcase apparel. Take a look at our site dedicated to placing an order for this type of fashion imagery -
VSP Studios has helped many fashion brands, designers and retailers get the images they need to showcase their collections and elevate their e-commerce business. I always take pleasure in facing the challenge of creating a new fashion campaign and helping my clients tell their story.
Employing male models who are seasoned, experienced, and have a developed skill is a good route to follow for the ultimate success of your website. Ensuring you find the right male model for your brand, think about who is your target audience. What style clothing are you selling and what consumer would wear these items? Do you want a specific look for your clothing brand? These are all questions you would need to ask yourself when choosing the right professional e-commerce model.
Alongside choosing the right face for your brand, another key element for professional e-commerce photography is choosing the art direction and scene location, or set design. This is important, so as to, compliment your clothing line and the model you have selected. We offer our clean white (RGB 255) sets for our Amazon customers, and create customer sets for our other customers. Finding the right look for your brand is all part of the consultation process that I always enjoy being a part of. For more information check out our How To Manage Photoshoots for your E Commerce Business.
E-commerce fashion businesses don’t rely only on the images. Today they rely on videos being added to their product pages. Including videos on your website can bring a whole new level to the shopping expeirence. Let’s face it, we live in a TikTok, Instagram Story world and this is all fueling the short play video production process to forefront of fashion branding and marketing. Learn more about product page videos for fashion apparel sales.
Professional E-Commerce Menswear Photography
The home page hero banner is, for the most part the new “billboard on the side of the road.” When customers land on your site, the fist impression comes from the hero banner image. Helping customers get this right is a something that I am always focused on. It presents itself as a landscape configuration, so getting the elements of the scene to work with the position of the model, all while trying to convey the brans message, is a challenge that I enjoy taking on.
The right formula, style and work flow that delivers images that sell fashion apparel merchandise is one of the keys to a brand’s ability to thrive. As owner of VSP Studios, I speak with many fashion sellers from all over the globe and help them to formulate this process. Working with their marketing team, and art direction team to achieve the goal. It’s all in a days work. Not bad work if you can make it!
Professional E-Commerce Menswear Photography VSP Studios Miami