Prepare your items along with a detailed shot list. Confirm the amount of SKUs and sizing.
Please note: Size small is best for female items and size medium is best for male items.
Include a return shipping label along with your shipment or send via email.
Email the tracking number, so we can confirm package arrival.
Please do not send us your items until you have contacted us to begin an order.
Set up a time to drop off in person, if you are in the Miami area.
When your package arrives we organize your items according to the shot list.
All items are steamed and prepped prior to the shoot to assure quality.
Turnaround times will vary depending on the scope of the work required and the amount of items you have.
Fashion is a fast paced business.
We make every effort to deliver on time, and provide high quality imagery.
Be sure to confirm your shoot date and deposit to expedite your order as quickly as possible.
All items are packed back the way in which they were received.
We will use your return shipping label and confirm when the shipment is on the way.
Images are sent for you to review, select and approve.
Once approved, high resolution images are made available via download link.
Ghost mannequin images are sent in final retouched form, web ready to go.
If any adjustments or additional retouching is needed, just submit a request.
For on-model bookings, we will assist you in the casting process.
Once the model talent is confirmed we require a deposit to book the shoot date.
Tell us what type of scenery you are looking for.
Show us a mood board or sample images with the look you are trying to achieve.
We work within your budget and along side your art director to create images that are on brand for your marketing objectives.
Don’t have an art director? Not to worry, as we have over 25 years of experience creating content with fashion apparel brands from all over the world.
Ship us your items along with a detailed shot list.
We organize & steam your items prior to photography.
Review your images online & make your selections.
Ghost Mannequin Photography
Flat Lay Photography
On-Model Photography
Location Lifestyle Photography
Video Content
Fashion Accessories Product Photography